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NuLife @ Nimble Thimble

NuLife @ Nimble Thimble

Handz On Hope is expanding and moving to a new location! May 5, 2017 is the grand opening of NuLife @ Nimble Thimble! This store will be the hub for all of the sewing workshops. In addition, there will be a small boutique where you can shop for items made by the NuLife participants. To read more on this adventure, and the groups that are volunteering to make this happen, click here. Stop by next time you’re in Lancaster city to see what we do and how we effectively upcycle materials.

What is NuLife?

Nulife is a nonprofit upcycling design and training program founded in 2014 by Schirlyn Kamara. We are located in the Southeast community of Lancaster PA. Our goal is to reach community members needing job readiness and life skills, a safe place to work, and opportunity.

How Does it Work?

The concept is simple: We offer immediate employment as our participants receive life skills and work skills while establishing a positive work history. Upon completion of our program, participants have the opportunity to be hired or start a home business with assistance in their entrepreneurial endeavor.

How Does it Help?

NuLife strongly believes that the skills learned through the program will empower participants to save money by reusing textiles around the house, and also provide them with the skillset to sell upcycled products they have created.  It inspires sustainability. It motivates entrepreneurship.  Provides a nurturing environment for creativity to flow in the wind.

NuLife Video

Get a quick overview of what NuLife is all about by playing this fabulous video put together by Emily Hess, Raeann Buskey, Morgan Masiejczyk, and Thanh Quach. They were students in Millersville University's Advertising class with Dr. Lexi Hutto in Fall 2016, and worked extensively with NuLife.

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